They don't update the OHRC as often, and there are 212 pages of images from it compared with 20000+ pages from TMC. That said, there are 3 TMC cameras and also some DEM/orthphoto pairs, so there is more to go at.
As best I can tell, the OHRC views of Apollo 11 & 12 were aimed at calibrating the cameras and so on, which are designed to work in lower light conditions at the poles, so they aren't routinely getting Apollo sites.
Jarrah's 3 legged claim is entirely based on the low resolution screen grabs used in webinars prior to the full image release. He claims NASA shenanigans, but the file naming convention shows they came down through Bangalore and India's own DSN..
The most stupid claim is Rasa's, who claims that NASA bullied ISRO into photoshopping a 'proper' LM into the images after they accidentally used images showing a three legged probe there.
He gets really annoyed if you point out to him that high resolution views were shown in a web presentation 3 months before the only one he knew about, and he'll delete comments telling him that because he's a dishonest moron.