I'm not expert enough in the subject to make a judgement, but it seems there's an awful lot of "nudge nudge wink wink" in there.
There's also this statement at the end:
"No handles were fitted to the Apollo 13 CM – except for the movie Apollo 13 (Imagine Entertainment, Universal Pictures 1995) – wherein it was deemed necessary to add them to the command module."
when this splashdown photo clearly shows one:
https://airandspace.si.edu/collection-media/NASM-A19740651000cp02This is the thread on collectSpace he references
http://www.collectspace.com/ubb/Forum14/HTML/001473.htmlwhere it mentions that the handles were covered with protective tape - he seems to have forgotten to include that detail.
The handles were there to help the crew on EVAs, and as the Soyuz capsules are not designed for that, there's no need for handles. As they were deisgned for EVAs, it would not have mattered if they had been destroyed during re-entry.
The only thing to be addressed is whether the temperatures outside the CM in its re-entry heat envelope reach the levels likely to threaten the integrity of the spacecraft for the period of time it was an issue. He has no evidence of that. We do have evidence of re-entry conditions from the 16mm footage.
Science aside, the author ignores the parts that don't fit his narrative, and mis-interprets the parts he wants to include so that they do. He should stick to analysing the mentally ill. He'll find plenty at Aulis. That's if he's still allowed to do that: