Ever wonder why you need to pull up something taken down by this guy 7 years ago?? Why doesn't he want this quote associated with him anymore?
" For the LM's ascent engine, the ignition transient lasted for about 350 milliseconds, during which stronger than normal thrust was produced."
Do the work. Check the frames. Do the math. Each Apollo mission exhibited about 2.5X the predicted Thrust (or more) for a FULL SECOND (not just 350 msec).
I made conservative estimates, to avoid PNA scrutiny of my image analysis. Most MLH theories estimate far more.
Braeunig withdrew this whole page and comment, because it tarnishes his reputation, as this claim is very bad science. It's almost like a statement made by someone who has no idea about this science.
The "ignition transient" results in "higher than normal COMBUSTION pressure" along with more unburnt fuel, which results in LESS THRUST.
Additionally, even if you wanted to claim his "singular lone withdrawn quote" as truth -- it simply does NOT align to what is shown by the Launch film frames.... which are 2.5X the thrust for a FULL SECOND.
Additionally, the image analysis done for Apollo 16 - shows that after this 1 second of "2.5X too much thrust" was followed by 1 second of extreme drop off of acceleration to less than HALF of what it should be, and even when NEGATIVE.
This NASA simulation is so BAD - it's a undeniable smoking gun that it was faked. Even the mighty Apollo cannot Break Physics. Which is what we're seeing here.
I believe there's a reason the "heavy hitters" on this site are avoiding this topic. It is UNDEFENDABLE. Because you can't BREAK PHYSICS so badly as was done here... all 3 launches.
Please show me the math "not-withdrawn". I would be surprised if Braeunig himself isn't now a HB, assuming he's a smart as people think he is.
Him trying to explain this 1-second of 2.5X thrust with a "non-backed, no-math presumption that 350 msec of increased Combustion pressure with unburnt fuel, would explain what we see for these launches".
I believe they're about to spill the beans, but looking for a way to do it with minimal fallout... ideally with a "good spin" such as "Awesome! Gen X/Y/Z will FINALLY do what the Boomers could only fake doing."