Read my thesis:
What? Your "thesis"?
"My thesis here is that we have a hypothesis in the Earth's atmosphere that can explain these movements. But as of yet, there has been no hypothesis that fully explains these motions in the context of the Moon."
Yes there has. You just don't know what you are doing.
Your article does not provide a hypothesis to explain these 8 flag movements. So it's a NEW TOPIC.
1. It isn't mine.
2. It's a video not an article.
3. Yes it does, by rendering your claim moot as to being on Earth.
Make a new thread -- why are you scared to do so?
Already answered, there's far too many of these dumb threads already.
Do you think you won't win that debate?
Define win. If you mean convince anyone who has honest objectivity and logic, yeah, I'll win. If you mean convince somebody prepared to make up any old bollocks to avoid admitting defeat, probably no.
You have shown yourself to be firmly in the latter of those two camps.
After all the hoohah about "agreeing to disagree" you seem to be afraid yourself. I await what is likely to be evasive obfuscation/ diversionary rebuttal to the video.