Thanks for the attempt at debunking. This gave me some homework to do. I consider your "hippity hoppity" rebuttal as a failure.
And I know for a fact your rejection is the real failure.
Today I obtained the NASA source video for this clip, as well as the Navy salute, and captured all frames at native resolution, without modification.
What? The "source" video? Some of the best video has been reprocessed by Spacecraft Films without the impediments of internet compression.
1. Navy Salute - appears to be damning for the PNA's.
No it doesn't.
2. The Hippity Hoppity attempted rebuttal has a major flaw.
And again, no it doesn't.
I have placed all of my work on OneDrive
Well good for you, I am not interested in playing "go fetch", particularly given the poor quality understanding and regurgitated nature of your claims.
Check it out and let me know what you think:Bring it here.
#1 - This dot stays nearly stationary and the same size for 10 frames! (1/3rd second)
If it was incoming sand, it would be moving along the ground.
This is the final part of the wave hitting the surface - a nonsense conclusion.
#2 - There is no sign of any dust coming in from above. It’s fully invisible, then this dot just magically appears, and stays nearly stationary for 10 frames, and PNA’s call it dust.
Grey on grey will do that and the TV quality was hardly HD. Another rather useless statement from you. It doesn't "magically appear", we clearly see it impact the surface. That's the nature of impacts.
#3 - Let’s imagine that this is dust (magical). As he’s hopping along, each time he has to kick his feet forward as part of the hopping motion. This kicking motion would cause some dust to have an added upward boost. But since this dust is also INVISIBLE until it hits the ground many frames later – we are not able to tell by what trajectory it arrived at its stationary destination.
That is just nonsense. You can see very clearly that there is a parabolic arc of dust level and below his boot, when he is at apex. In that one frame the laws of physics are very specific. Objects will reach the same height at the same time - that single irrefutable point, all on its own shows this is on the Moon. Clearly he is jumping in a way that is impossible on Earth without assistance. Yet his vertical jump time matches the dust parabola. So either he is not on wires or the dust is also.
When we also marry his subsequent surface impact with the dust this just seals the deal.
Any physicist would understand this.
Here is the real spoiler that an observant person would have noticed -
the same simultaneous dust splash occurs on the jump before.