Classic conspiracist mindset at work. "I don't know anything about what I am looking at, but instead of doing a jot of research I will automatically jump to mystery and conspiracy". What an entirely tiring lens to view the world through.
Oh come on, you're one of my heroes here... now your crushing my optimism about you.
Just as you "jump to Apollogize" because in your mind, Apollo was real, therefore everything needs to go through that filter of "reconciling it with being real"... I do the same thing, but in the opposite direction as "I know it was faked, so will jump to reconcile with what I know to be true." We're the same, and it's OK. Don't be the pot calling the kettle black.
You have your reasons for believing it's real; and I have mine for believing we didn't land humans on the moon. And I intend to camp out here for many weeks, as I take you through various proofs, on steroids.
I find the existing pockets of MLH evidence to be lacking, flawed, unprecise, reaching, etc....
My aim it to leave a "100% integrity set of articles" in my wake. It'll be a collaborative effort.
There are SO MANY DUMB MLH arguments that are popular - it makes me cry. I know the source of these-- it's Apollogist agents -- aiming to weaken MLH by corrupting the REAL arguments with horrid arguments... And since 3/4th's+ of USA Americans don't have the skillsets to tell the difference, those who venture into MLH will fall into EVERY ONE OF THESE TRAPS.
While the good arguments get suppressed... so that these casual MLH believers will never find the good arguments -- and sadly, flock to the bad arguments because they "seem better".
For example - "There's no way Nixon made a phone call to the moon!" and the infamous (and stupid) - "Look at those shadows converging or diverging!" -- makes me cringe.
But despite me throwing out 80% of the arguments floating around, I believe I'm sitting on a mound of proof and circumstantial evidnece that we didn't land men on the moon.
This will be an enjoyable few weeks (or months), hopefully for all involved here.