Here are the 5 Critical Issues I've identified. Can you describe a Hypothesis that covers all 5?
#1: No legitimate Apollogist explanation exists for this Dish Flinging. The attempted explanations they make are all critically flawed.
#2: The dish bounces less with each oscillation (like a pendulum coming to rest). This behavior definitively indicates the presence of Gravity.
#3: With the antenna flung to more than 30 degrees off target, the S-Band should have entirely dropped its signal instead of inserting static. Static was flawed “damage control” on NASAX’s part to cover this up.
#4: “My antenna is OK” (Bean) is the ONLY thing they said about this. This was a big deal, so why was nothing more said about it, or conferring on how to fix it, or mitigate the issue? Why didn’t it show up in the Debriefing? It shows up nowhere else, almost as if it didn’t happen.
#5: Apollo 12’s S-Band Tracked Earth, but they forgot to do this at all for Apollo 11. Does this make sense?
#1 - This isn't a "critical" issue, it's nothing more than you hand waving away any explanation with nothing more than you don't like it.
#2 - And you have the working knowledge and details on how the S-band steerable moved? What resistances were included in the mechanisms? Was there a neutral position for the equipment, that it could return to when unpowered? Was it powered or unpowered at the time?
#3 - Demonstrate that they were using the S-band steerable during the docking procedures, rather than the S-band inflight antennae.
#4 - Bean wasn't referring to the S-band steerable, how could he be? He couldn't see it, so he wouldn't know of it's movement, and Gordon doesn't mention it either, being the only person who could see it. I'd recommend going back a few minutes in the transcript to get the context of the conversation, perhaps look at what Conrad was doing at the time (hint: it might have something to do with those pesky inflight antennae)
#5 - If the steerable was tracking the Earth during the docking procedures, why can't we see it move? Have you established where the Earth was at the time? From what I can tell, the S-band steerable is pointing in the wrong direction, it's pointing at the moon.
There we go, turns out you don't have 5 critical points, you only have a list of personal incredulity.