This "A12 Dish Flings to Pendulum" incident is also compelling to me, as from how I see it (and maybe many might see it), no "reasonable explanation" seems to exist for the loose flopping around of the dish like a pendulum.
I literally explained that to you very clearly. It is a motorised assembly KNOWN to oscillate when tracking is lost, being seen oscillating when tracking is lost.
But you'd rather say "I have no evidence" than to provide a thread for me expressing it.
No, I said you have no evidence for any of the things you suggested might explain this behaviour, such as a guidewire and an edit in the film and TV footage, or indeed any other way they might have done it. And this is perfectly true. This is the very thread for you to provide that evidence because it directly relates to this claim. But you don't have it. You have unsupported speculation that it was done in a certain way.
You've made your explanation(s) and I've made mine.
No, you have not 'explained' anything. You have speculated. IF your theory is true then there are things you MUST explain to support it.
Debates are wrapped up.
No, you are just running away from having to concede another argument.
But if I were you, I'd be scared to hear them too.
Yawn. I have absolutely zero fear of anything you may bring to this discussion. And the reasons for your being restricted have been explained to you very very clearly.