1.If there is a breeze on the flag (ie its an external set) why do subsequent photos claim to show stage lights?Is the stage outside or inside?
Well, from the mainstream point of view we do use "studio lights" outdoors too, especially for shooting at night. In the daytime we often find that shade and shadow are too stark. So to create fill light we can diffuse the sunlight and open up the lens, reflect sunlight into the shadows with large reflectors, or apply studio lighting to bring up the shadows.
http://www.clavius.org/bibzz1.html for an example of how we created a "Moon set" at night out in the desert. And yes, it was very, very windy that night. Our flag nearly blew over.
Conspiracy film maker Bart Sibrel has argued that the set was indoors, but that the flag waving was caused by massive air conditioners used allegedly to keep the astronauts cool on the set. Funny thing is, such a setup wouldn't have the slightest effect. The suit you see in the photos linked above is a costume space suit built by Global Effects for the miniseries
From The Earth to the Moon. The prop PLSS has a set of batteries and fans that feed air into the suit helmet, using the oxygen hoses. According to Global Effects, which is Hollywood's premier supplier of space-suit costumes and props, this is the only way actors can receive fresh air and stay cool while wearing a full space suit costume. So blowing air on the
outside of the suits won't help.
But your point remains valid nevertheless: there are a number of dissimilar theories for where and how the allegedly fake Moon footage was filmed. They can't decide whether it was indoors or outdoors.
2.In the various photos why cant we see any stagehands,directors,lights or any other equipment bar the LM.
Over the years I've heard a few people claim they can in fact see studio equipment, stage hands, etc. Their claims invariably turn out to be little more than pareidolic interpretations of reflections or shadows in heavily processed and enlarged portions of each image.
The rest turn out to be poorly Photoshopped fakes.
3.If we are supposed to be able to see stars why cant we see any in the photo showing the flag waving?
Presuming it's supposed to be outside, you still wouldn't necessarily see the stars. You can't see the stars in any of the video or photography we did out in the desert, and any of the photographers and cinematographers on the set could have told you why.
The visibility of stars in photographs still remains one of the hotly contested points, when the science of it is so very well established.