Author Topic: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?  (Read 432833 times)

Offline nomuse

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #255 on: January 28, 2013, 08:06:43 PM »

The issue of moon rocks is purely a matter for debate.  By that I mean I could just as well take either position.

I could take either position on the existence of unicorns..  That doesn't make both positions equally rational, or equally defensible.

If I accept the govt's assertion that the moon landings were real, I would use the same arguments as you.

Totally wrong.  Do you take a badminton birdie to a chess match?

We DON'T accept a "government assertion."  What we use as a starting point is a DESCRIPTION of an activity, as made by a government entity, which we then analyze for consistency and plausibility.

Which is to say; the starting point isn't "NASA says it was so, therefore..."  The starting point is, instead, "NASA claims they used a hypergolic fuel mixture with a specific impulse of 310 seconds."  And then the question is, "is this consistent with the performance of known propellants?  Does this provide sufficient delta-V given the described mass ration of the spacecraft?" and so on.

Your assumption is wrong, your belief about the framework of the debate is wrong, your understanding of the psychology of the members of this board is wrong, and the latter is so wrong you obviously haven't bothered to read any of the posting history here.  And that -- to waltz into an established board and begin arguing without understanding the history of that board -- is the act of a fool or a troll.

  However, given the number of lies and cover-ups engaged in by the govt, i.e., JFK, etc., I assert that the moon landings were fake.  I also assert that the Soviet Union lied about bringing back their moon rocks and that they only had rocks from Antarctica, or Siberia, if anything.  It's safe to say the Russians were adept at political propaganda and would not have hesitated to lie about it.  So maybe there are no rocks that were brought back from the moon.  But if the govt gives a geologist a rock and says it's from the moon, the geologist will assume it's from the moon, having nothing to go on to prove otherwise.

There is no space here to follow your Gish Horse off in this new direction, but you are wrong and it can be and has been illustrated at length.  There are web pages by qualified geologists explaining how what they know is entirely different from what you think they know.  I mean, really -- you think the entire field of geology has nothing more to go on than comparing one rock to another that looks similar?  I mean, really?

  Moon rocks from Antarctica could be reconditioned to appear to have come from the moon.

With a hand wave like that you could reach cruising altitude in a few minutes.

  No university researcher would cast doubt on the moon rocks as that would make them lose their funding.  Also, the leading scientific theory is that the moon is just a chunk of the earth that was blasted off a few billion years ago, so the composition of the moon rocks would be the same as earthly material.  Scientists would not be backing that theory if the alleged moon rocks were different in composition from rocks found on earth. 

And here you just regurgitate your previous claim, showing no evidence of having researched or even thought about it in the interim, much less, actually read any of the posts in reply.

I cast doubt on the lunar ascent for several reasons.

Why?  One reason isn't good enough?  Or is it that you want an easy fall-back position for when it becomes clear that the first reason you propose is untenable?  A diffused argument is not a better argument.  And a scatter-shot of half-made, poorly-defended claims is hardly the act of an engineer.

One being is that there is no record of the LM being tested for ascent or descent on earth (that I know of.)  They could have used a helium balloon to simulate 1/6 gravity.  The only video I've seen was Armstrong parachuting to safety after losing control of the LLTV.  And, regardless, the LLTV was not a LM.  I think NASA simply would not have attempted a moon landing with an untested LM, let alone have it work flawlessly 6 times.  I guess you could say the ascent was mathematically possible, but there are some grave problems with navigation to overcome.  First, you don't know exactly where you are on the moon due to the manual landing, and the fact that the moon had never been surveyed (no one had been there to do one) meaning there could be no IMU update to moon coordinates.  That leaves radar and optics (star finder) for navigation.  The star finder was useless on the moon (my assertion) because the astronauts claimed they couldn't see stars with the naked eye.  That means they had to rely on radar to rendezvous with a speeding bullet.  Getting to the exact orbit would be extremely difficult because the LM IMU did not have the inertial coordinates for the moon, they only had earth coordinates, and rough one's at that due to the gyro drift rate.  They wouldn't even have a gyro-compass to get a bearing before liftoff.  No theodolite bearing.  How do you lift off from an unknown location with an unknown bearing?  A Kalman filter takes time to settle out.  While sitting on the moon, the moon is rotating, and that rotation is is being fed into the gyros.  You can't just land on the moon and take off 2.5 hours later and get into a perfect orbit.  You could argue that they used dead reckoning and mid-course corrections in flight and flew to the dark side of the moon and used the star finder, but that's just smoke and mirrors. The least documented part of the mission, and the most complicated by far, is the rendezvous.  Note that before every space shuttle mission (and every rocket launch) a very careful IMU alignment was done to earth coordinates.  They don't just rely on radar to get to the ISS. 

This is just a mish-mosh.  You have much to learn about how to present a point with clarity and brevity.

All of these asides and maybes don't strengthen your argument -- they just make it less clear.  And your paraphrase of what has been explained to you (you obviously haven't read any of the documentation provided), is so completely bizarre as to bear no resemblance to any space flight, ever.

None of this is definitive proof against a lunar ascent, but it explains the unlikelihood.  But there's no way for anyone to prove anything.  The retro-reflectors don't prove anything.  You only get a couple photons back from a laser burst according to UCSD.  You can slant an experiment to show anything you want.  Everything is hearsay.  NASA controls all of the information.  The missions were infinitely easier to fake than conduct for real, and faking guaranteed 100% success, including faking Apollo 13 to make it look like everything wasn't a success.  No one can deny the govt had the means and the motive to fake it.

Ridiculous.  You think the only experiments ever performed on the LRRR are to confirm that they exist?  And the various independent observatories across dozens of nations are all willing to fake their results and spend YEARS on a fake set of experiments just on the off-chance of defending the reality of the Apollo Program against some internet weirdos who think Hubble could read a license plate off the Lunar Rover and that the VARB would cause astronauts to instantly burst into flames?

Regarding an AULIS pic I put up, after some graphic analysis I have come to the conclusion that the claim is unsubstantiated by the photos.


I went through Aulis a year or two ago, and it took me an average of five minutes a "study" to debunk each.  (The average was dragged down by the one or two where I actually had to drag out a topo map or make a diagram of where things were in relation to each other).

Offline Peter B

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #256 on: January 28, 2013, 08:07:22 PM »

Can you stick to one point rather than a gish-gallop of stuff please?

Can you please reply to the points that I raised in this post?
Please explain the difference in sample return quantities between the American and Russian Lunar missions,
Where and when were the alleged USA robotic sample return missions?
If the US samples where returned robotically, then why do you insist that  a Lunar ascent is impossible without accurate co-ords?
Why did the US have 380Kg of Lunar rocks if they were all sourced from the Polar regions? Why does other sovereign states that have polar territories not have similar amounts?
Please explain the difference between moon-derived meteorites and the Apollo samples.
Please detail your qualifications that allows you to comment on the study of Lunar rocks.

Thanks in advance.
The issue of moon rocks is purely a matter for debate. By that I mean I could just as well take either position.
Why not look at the evidence?

If I accept the govt's assertion that the moon landings were real, I would use the same arguments as you. However, given the number of lies and cover-ups engaged in by the govt, i.e., JFK, etc., I assert that the moon landings were fake.
Ri-i-ight. So we're starting with an assertion.

I also assert that the Soviet Union lied about bringing back their moon rocks and that they only had rocks from Antarctica, or Siberia, if anything.
Assertion number two. You have no evidence for this?

It's safe to say the Russians were adept at political propaganda and would not have hesitated to lie about it.
Accepted. We know the Soviets lied about certain aspects of their space missions. But this knowledge is based on evidence - for example, photographs altered to remove people subsequently dismissed as cosmonauts. The photos are known to be altered because either two differently altered versions of the photos have been published, or different photographs taken at the same time show different group compositions. Jim Oberg has been writing about this for 20+ years.

Likewise, American spy satellites provided information about the N-1 rocket which the Soviets "forgot" to publicise.

But there's other evidence which allows us to be sure the Soviets did make certain achievements in space - for example the British interception of signal from spacecraft at the Moon.

So maybe there are no rocks that were brought back from the moon. But if the govt gives a geologist a rock and says it's from the moon, the geologist will assume it's from the moon, having nothing to go on to prove otherwise.
Sorry, but that's wrong. As I mentioned above (posted before I saw your post), Moon rocks are identifiably different from Earth rocks. They show evidence of having formed in a low gravity vacuum, with no water present. You simply can't fake that on Earth. A geologist might have valid reasons for asking whether the rock came from the Moon, but (s)he certainly would know it can't have come from the Earth.

Moon rocks from Antarctica could be reconditioned to appear to have come from the moon.
How do you "recondition" a rock?

The Apollo rocks contain 'zap pits', tiny craters caused by the impact of grains of dust at speeds of tens of kilometres per second. Please describe the process for faking this.

The Apollo rocks contain evidence of having been subject to solar radiation for anywhere between millions and billions of years. Please describe the process for faking this?

No university researcher would cast doubt on the moon rocks as that would make them lose their funding.
Upsetting the status quo is what makes scientists famous. Galileo, Kepler, Newton and Einstein didn't become household names (more or less) by tamely agreeing with what everyone had said before them.

Also, the leading scientific theory is that the moon is just a chunk of the earth that was blasted off a few billion years ago, so the composition of the moon rocks would be the same as earthly material.
There's a lot of wrong in that statement.

1. "Debris", not "chunk". The Moon was formed by the accretion of lots of small pieces of material blasted off the Earth by the impact.

2. The impact would have generated high temperatures, which would vaporise volatile materials. This explains why the Moon is deficient in volatile materials like water, and thus in turn why the rocks on the Moon are different from those of the Earth.

May I suggest you read a little more about the topic.

Scientists would not be backing that theory if the alleged moon rocks were different in composition from rocks found on earth. 

Yes, they would if it's the best explanation of the evidence. The theory also fits in well with the conditions of the early Solar System - a lot more planets and planetesimals than we have today. What do you think is likely to happen in such a chaotic environment?
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Offline alexsanchez

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #257 on: January 28, 2013, 08:08:05 PM »
alexsanchez, I understand why you would not want your name on the internet. It's good online safety.

However, you must understand that we know that humans lie. So, if you say you have a patent, and cannot give us evidence to that effect, we must only conclude that you are lying. Just as you say governments ALWAYS lie.

On the other hand, Apollo is confirmed with multiple forms of eyewitness, documentary and physical evidence. It's much more believable than one unidentified person saying he has a patent somewhere.
Yes, these days it's good to be anonymous.  Anything you say can and will be used against you, and the internet is forever.

My patent has really nothing to do with my arguments.  The patent happens to be for translating NASA software from an old language to object oriented C++, or any other modern language.  It could just as well be used for converting accounting software to C++.  My arguments about Apollo stand on their own.  Some of my arguments fail to hold up even for me if they are based on someone else's findings.  It's not like there's any reward for making my arguments.  However, I'm actually thinking right this minute of having an article published in a magazine since I'm doing all this writing.  I used to have a Hollywood literary agent, which I'm sure no one would believe.  (I'll get flak for this.)  The article would not be about proving anything, rather what it's like to argue with a group of people who are all of like mind, and taking the opposing view.

I think my main point here is to show people that the moon-landings are like a religion.  It's faith.  (Yes, that can be debated, and I'll gladly debate it.)  Picking a random religion, like Mormonism, how would I prove that when you die you don't become a God and get your own planet to rule over? (or whatever their doctrine is, something like that, no offense to Mormons.)   Many people passionately believe things they read in the Bible, or other religious text, all without evidence (says me.)  Hey... God said it and I believe it.  With the moon landings, it's NASA said it and I believe it.  Yes, there are photos, but who says they were taken on the moon?  NASA.  NASA said it and I believe it.  Moon rocks that came back from the moon?  NASA said it and I believe it.  The retro reflectors are a bit more interesting.  I'd have to do some more research to attempt to prove they aren't there, although they could have more easily have been put there on unmanned missions, like the Soviets claimed.  People's belief's are like a brick wall around them whether it's religion, or otherwise.  If you say something didn't happen which goes against their beliefs, the first reaction is they get offended, call you a liar, or say you can't prove it didn't happen.  That's just human nature. Lots of people believe the Genesis story about Noah's ark.  You can explain the problem of logistics with gathering Penguins, Wooly Mammoths, Blue Whales, down to protozoa and viruses, but that still won't sway them.  They will just say God did it.  Just like saying NASA did it.  I like to quote Mark Twain in that a man is easier to deceive then to convince him he's been deceived.  Without sending you own LRO to the moon, you can't prove anything.  And even if you managed to send an LRO up there, you could only prove it to yourself because how could you prove you sent an LRO up there.  You'd be back to square 1.

I'm not here to prove anything.  I can't.  I'm just here to debate.  A devils advocate.  It would be great if people could do that with a sense of humor.  Maybe I should put my facebook picture in my profile.

Offline nomuse

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #258 on: January 28, 2013, 08:09:06 PM »
I think NASA simply would not have attempted a moon landing with an untested LM, let alone have it work flawlessly 6 times.
NASA didn't attempt a Moon landing with an untested LM. An unmanned LM was tested during Apollo 5. Manned LMs were tested in Earth orbit on Apollo 9 and in lunar orbit on Apollo 10. Only after these successes did they actually try landing a LM on the Moon. Shouldn't someone who has done even basic research on the Apollo program know this?

Also the LM did not work flawlessly. If it did, the Eagle wouldn't have had those program alarms during its descent.

Like every other hoaxie, he thinks NASA should have landed an LM before attempting to land an LM.

Offline alexsanchez

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #259 on: January 28, 2013, 08:12:50 PM »

Can you stick to one point rather than a gish-gallop of stuff please?

Can you please reply to the points that I raised in this post?
Please explain the difference in sample return quantities between the American and Russian Lunar missions,
Where and when were the alleged USA robotic sample return missions?
If the US samples where returned robotically, then why do you insist that  a Lunar ascent is impossible without accurate co-ords?
Why did the US have 380Kg of Lunar rocks if they were all sourced from the Polar regions? Why does other sovereign states that have polar territories not have similar amounts?
Please explain the difference between moon-derived meteorites and the Apollo samples.
Please detail your qualifications that allows you to comment on the study of Lunar rocks.

Thanks in advance.
The issue of moon rocks is purely a matter for debate. By that I mean I could just as well take either position.
Why not look at the evidence?

If I accept the govt's assertion that the moon landings were real, I would use the same arguments as you. However, given the number of lies and cover-ups engaged in by the govt, i.e., JFK, etc., I assert that the moon landings were fake.
Ri-i-ight. So we're starting with an assertion.

I also assert that the Soviet Union lied about bringing back their moon rocks and that they only had rocks from Antarctica, or Siberia, if anything.
Assertion number two. You have no evidence for this?

It's safe to say the Russians were adept at political propaganda and would not have hesitated to lie about it.
Accepted. We know the Soviets lied about certain aspects of their space missions. But this knowledge is based on evidence - for example, photographs altered to remove people subsequently dismissed as cosmonauts. The photos are known to be altered because either two differently altered versions of the photos have been published, or different photographs taken at the same time show different group compositions. Jim Oberg has been writing about this for 20+ years.

Likewise, American spy satellites provided information about the N-1 rocket which the Soviets "forgot" to publicise.

But there's other evidence which allows us to be sure the Soviets did make certain achievements in space - for example the British interception of signal from spacecraft at the Moon.

So maybe there are no rocks that were brought back from the moon. But if the govt gives a geologist a rock and says it's from the moon, the geologist will assume it's from the moon, having nothing to go on to prove otherwise.
Sorry, but that's wrong. As I mentioned above (posted before I saw your post), Moon rocks are identifiably different from Earth rocks. They show evidence of having formed in a low gravity vacuum, with no water present. You simply can't fake that on Earth. A geologist might have valid reasons for asking whether the rock came from the Moon, but (s)he certainly would know it can't have come from the Earth.

Moon rocks from Antarctica could be reconditioned to appear to have come from the moon.
How do you "recondition" a rock?

The Apollo rocks contain 'zap pits', tiny craters caused by the impact of grains of dust at speeds of tens of kilometres per second. Please describe the process for faking this.

The Apollo rocks contain evidence of having been subject to solar radiation for anywhere between millions and billions of years. Please describe the process for faking this?

No university researcher would cast doubt on the moon rocks as that would make them lose their funding.
Upsetting the status quo is what makes scientists famous. Galileo, Kepler, Newton and Einstein didn't become household names (more or less) by tamely agreeing with what everyone had said before them.

Also, the leading scientific theory is that the moon is just a chunk of the earth that was blasted off a few billion years ago, so the composition of the moon rocks would be the same as earthly material.
There's a lot of wrong in that statement.

1. "Debris", not "chunk". The Moon was formed by the accretion of lots of small pieces of material blasted off the Earth by the impact.

2. The impact would have generated high temperatures, which would vaporise volatile materials. This explains why the Moon is deficient in volatile materials like water, and thus in turn why the rocks on the Moon are different from those of the Earth.

May I suggest you read a little more about the topic.

Scientists would not be backing that theory if the alleged moon rocks were different in composition from rocks found on earth. 

Yes, they would if it's the best explanation of the evidence. The theory also fits in well with the conditions of the early Solar System - a lot more planets and planetesimals than we have today. What do you think is likely to happen in such a chaotic environment?
You're probably right on all points.  Thanks.

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #260 on: January 28, 2013, 08:13:20 PM »
I'm not here to prove anything.  I can't.  I'm just here to debate.
Why didn't you do basic research on the LM (like how many missions it flew) before you started to "debate"?
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Offline AtomicDog

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #261 on: January 28, 2013, 08:15:30 PM »
I'm trying to imagine a LM trainer swinging from its balloon tether every time its RCS fires.
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Offline Echnaton

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #262 on: January 28, 2013, 08:16:19 PM »
However, given the number of lies and cover-ups engaged in by the govt, i.e., JFK, etc., I assert that the moon landings were fake.

This is really all you have to say in the matter.  Everything else, such as your engineering credentials and the photos you have used, you have backed away from as soon as you were challenged.   You think the government lies about somethings or everything so the moon landings are faked.  And you know what, that is really boring.   It is a sad dogma that stops you from understanding independent inquiry into what really happens in this world.   It is the way that boring people understand the world.
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Offline Echnaton

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #263 on: January 28, 2013, 08:21:07 PM »
Yes, these days it's good to be anonymous.  Anything you say can and will be used against you, and the internet is forever....However, I'm actually thinking right this minute of having an article published in a magazine since I'm doing all this writing.

You want to remain anonymous and run away from the professional responsibility for your hoax claims while wanting to publish the same thing in a magazine?  The contradictions never stop.
The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. —Samuel Beckett

Offline Echnaton

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #264 on: January 28, 2013, 08:22:41 PM »
I'm not here to prove anything.  I can't.  I'm just here to debate.  A devils advocate.

In other words, you are trolling. 
The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. —Samuel Beckett

Offline Halcyon Dayz, FCD

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #265 on: January 28, 2013, 08:28:23 PM »
Moon rocks that came back from the moon?  NASA said it and I believe it.
The lad doth project too much, methinks.

It's not what NASA said, it is what several thousand scientific papers on these samples say.
Some of those studies where performed by Soviet scientists.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 08:30:16 PM by Halcyon Dayz, FCD »
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Offline alexsanchez

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #266 on: January 28, 2013, 08:38:03 PM »
Yes, these days it's good to be anonymous.  Anything you say can and will be used against you, and the internet is forever....However, I'm actually thinking right this minute of having an article published in a magazine since I'm doing all this writing.

You want to remain anonymous and run away from the professional responsibility for your hoax claims while wanting to publish the same thing in a magazine?  The contradictions never stop.
Well, hoax claims are not my profession.  I'm not getting paid.  Skepticism is what I do in my spare time.  And writers often use a pen name.  Take Mark Twain... Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

Offline alexsanchez

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #267 on: January 28, 2013, 08:43:09 PM »
I'm not here to prove anything.  I can't.  I'm just here to debate.  A devils advocate.

In other words, you are trolling.
What's the opposite of trolling?  Not trolling?  What's the opposite of collecting stamps?  Not collecting stamps?  The title of this forum section says:
Do you believe the Apollo moon landings were faked? Share your theories here, but be prepared to defend them.

Sounds like an invitation to me.

Offline nomuse

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #268 on: January 28, 2013, 08:49:36 PM »
I'm not here to prove anything.  I can't.  I'm just here to debate.  A devils advocate.

In other words, you are trolling.
What's the opposite of trolling?  Not trolling?  What's the opposite of collecting stamps?  Not collecting stamps?  The title of this forum section says:
Do you believe the Apollo moon landings were faked? Share your theories here, but be prepared to defend them.

Sounds like an invitation to me.

Do you need help understanding the bolded phrase?

This is not The Argument Clinic here.  If we wanted someone who just disagreed, with no knowledge, ability, or intent to explore his/her ideas in any depth, we'd write a bot.

I am not willing to forget that you came here claiming to be an engineer, and claiming both the ability and the intention to discuss technical issues.  Your back-pedal here is enough to lap Lance Armstrong going the other way.  Now you claim just to be out for a little fun?  Or maybe a writer, but you obviously are no more serious about that than you are about engineering!

Offline alexsanchez

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #269 on: January 28, 2013, 08:51:08 PM »
I'm trying to imagine a LM trainer swinging from its balloon tether every time its RCS fires.
You're right.  It would be hard to test it.  Although they wouldn't need RCS with a helium balloon.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 08:53:00 PM by alexsanchez »