I doubt most of those people claim it cures cancer. What it does do well is alleviate much of the suffering from pain and the side-effects of chemotherapy
Well, there are rational proponents, and not so rational ones.
There's rational and then there's rational, I guess. There have been some legitimate, peer-reviewed studies showing that some of the compounds in marijuana reduce tumor growth and drastically inhibit metastasis in breast cancer:
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3410650/and can actually cause cell death in glioma (a cancer of the glial cells - the cells in the Central Nervous System that support and maintain the neurons) by induced autophagy, i.e., causing the cancer cells to eat themselves:
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2673842/ There have also been some promising early results in slowing the progress of Alzheimer's, along with quite a few studies demonstrating symptomatic relief in neurological diseases such as ALS (Lou Gehrig's) and multiple sclerosis.
Note, though, that we're not just talking about having patients toke up three times a day (sorry, Tommy); some of the ingredients of cannabis are psychotropic and some aren't. There's just some interesting research going on.
Even in the media - I remember an article on a study that showed that people who were high had a lesser rate of car accidents than people who were drunk, although both were well above the rate for sober drivers. The reporter and the people quoted in it, seemed to think that this was reason to declare driving while high virtually harmless, even though the data showed it wasn't.
The argument was, "Yeah, well, it's less bad than driving while drunk, so it's OK." It's like arguing that a strep throat should not be considered an illness at all, because it's less serious than tuberculosis.
On the social/recreational front, IMO, people shouldn't be driving while under the influence of either cannabis OR alcohol. Medically, though, every study done so far seems to indicate that smoking pot is at least as bad for you as tobacco smoking, but otherwise has relatively low health risks - certainly nothing in the league of alcohol use.
I'm not what you would call a marijuana activist as far as legalizing recreational use, but from a practical POV I surely see a lot of money and law enforcement man-hours put into marijuana enforcement that could be better used elsewhere.
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On a totally unrelated question, has anyone here ever asked an HB, "What evidence would it take to convince you of the reality of Apollo?" and gotten a reasonable answer?