The mission, which uses an unusual low energy and fast free return trajectory that occurs on two successive windows every 15 years, will last 501.5 days. Launch date will be January 15 2018, Mars arrival after 227 days on August 20 2018, Earth arrival after a further 274 days May 21 2019. Landing could occur up to 10 days later, depending on which aerocapture profile is used for the 14.18 km/s entry.
The preferred crew is 2, one man one woman is implied (and stated specifically in the press conference).
The life support system is expected to mass 2,432 kg and have a volume of 6.6 m2, peak power requirements of 5,489 watts and average power of 2,208 watts. Supplies will mass 3,131 kg and occupy a volume of 17.7 m3
State of the art technology of TRL 9 is preferred. Critical system spares will be carried and the system will be designed for ease of servicing and repair.
Air (sea level N2 & O2 mix and pressure) will be stored at high pressure and recyled through a molecular sieve, Sabatier reactor (to producde water), and electrolysis of water (to produce oyxygen), water will be processed through multi-filtration, ion exchange, distillation, and catalytic oxidation of waste to recycle at 75% efficiency.
Falcon Heavy and Dragon is used as indicative hardware, although, as the press conference showed, more volume than Dragon alone is needed and no decision has been made.