Sigh. It sounds like this may go on for a while.
Why NASA would lock down a publicly available data base -- one they know is available to the Chinese and everyone else -- because one of their contractors carried out data that presumably wasn't publicly available is beyond me. It'll just increase the motivation to 'penetrate' NASA to get data, and that will give them access to both nonpublic and formerly public data at the same time.
I wonder if Bolden or anyone else has realized that NASA technical documents are also available on microfiche at a number of "technical repositories" around the country, including at the UCSD engineering library near me. Maybe they figure anything that isn't online doesn't count anymore.
I have well over 100 GB of stuff from the NTRS, most but not all on Apollo. If anyone would like a copy, contact me and we can make arrangements. Hint: I would love some help on indexing all this stuff...