With all due respect and humility, I have two questions:
1. Back in 1969, did NASA forget to include the Moon’s orbital velocity when it computed Apollo 11’s return velocity to the Earth?
2. After the Trans Earth Injection burn, Apollo 11 was traveling at escape velocity with respect to the Moon, and it was also traveling at escape velocity with respect to the Earth, so when and how did Apollo 11 regain its alleged elliptical orbit around the Earth that allowed it to use the alleged re-entry corridor?
According to the NASA logbook, Apollo 11 was orbiting the Moon at 1,624 meters per second just before the Trans Earth Injection burn that would increase the velocity by 1,000 meters per second, for a total velocity of approximately 2,624 meters per second, which velocity would be relative to the Moon. The approximate escape velocity while in lunar orbit would be 2,400 meters per second. The approximate escape velocity when you are orbiting the Earth at the distance of the Moon is approximately 1400 meters per second. As such, after the Trans Earth Injection burn, Apollo 11’s new velocity of 2,624 meters per second while orbiting the Moon would exceed escape velocity, relative to the Moon and also the Earth. This velocity of 2,624 meters per second relative to the Moon would translate to approximately 3,624 meters per second relative to the Earth, because the Moon orbits the Earth at an average velocity of approximately 1000 meters per second. When Apollo 11 started its return voyage at the velocity of 3,634 meters per second relative to the Earth, it was going escape velocity, and it would never slow down to orbital velocity relative to the Earth, which means it was never in orbit, which means the re-entry corridor cannot work. Why am I wrong? Where is the flaw in my argument?
Please note that my reading of various posts under the hoax theory this morning has revealed that this new website forum has become more harsh than the old forum, and much more ad hominem. Please spare me the insults. I would just like to focus on the numbers. Science works better when you focus on the facts. I am certain that all of you have already given due consideration to the Moon's orbital velocity issue, and you have researched all aspects of the Apollo voyages. Obviously, I have to be wrong. But, on the NASA logbooks that are posted online, there is no indication of the Moon's orbital velocity being included in Apollo 11's return velocity numbers. Please help me figure it out. Thank you!