So, I've been looking at the position of the lunar terminator during missions as yet another piece of corroborating evidence for emmissions, and it's been very interesting and useful so far.
Having just completed Apollo 11 I came across an oddity.
In Magazine O, photograph AS11-38-5683 is the last of a series of post-TEI photographs of the moon before images of Earth begin to appear, and has a terminator consistent with about 08:00 on the 22nd - a couple of hours after TEI.
The next image of the moon I used has a terminator that has barely moved compared with what it should be, despite being taken almost 22 hours later, which can be verified using satellite images of Earth's weather to pinpoint the date and time.
My argument is that the use of photographic settings that allow photography of Earth are causing under-exposure of the moon, making regions near the terminator seem much darker than they should.
Rather than clog up the page, the Apollo 11 bit is here this sound reasonable, or is there another explanation?