On a separate point, and given the lack of HB posts, is this the best that the HB "community" can put forward? Or have they retreated into their own little enclaves and no longer even want to try and support their fallacies?
I would like to believe that the majority of them (the casual ones?) have been so-often presented with an incessant barrage of indisputable science, plain commonsense and pure logic every time they raise their heads, that finally, some of it has actually gotten through their thick skulls into what passes for their brains.
Of course, there will always be the hard core idiots like Sibrel, Hunchbacked, that Swedish nitwit and "he-from-down-under-who-shall-not-be-named", who are probably so invested in believing their own lies that it would represent the most acute embarrassment and a serious loss of face were they to admit they are wrong. As a result, they no longer come to places like here and JREF, where their BS gets called for what it is by people who are experienced in the fields of space-science, astronomy, physics, photography, maths etc. Rather they only frequent the conspiratorial "yes man" forums like David Icke, Cluesforum, Above Top Secret and Godlike Productions, where they will find like-minded conspiritards only too willing to be devoted disciples who hang on their every word.
Its easy to be a big fish in a small pond, but it ain't so easy to be in the ocean.