Author Topic: Good books about the moon landings hoax?  (Read 363001 times)

Offline skeptic_UK

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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #360 on: September 18, 2014, 09:04:38 AM »
skeptic_UK, I don't give a damn if you're the same person as jockndoris or not. you could be the queen of sheba for all I care. The point that you are so desperately avoiding is that your statement that 'it is impossible to know if it is true or not' is manifestly untrue.

Even leaving aside the question of belief in ghosts, this forum is populated by people who are professional aerospace engineers, people who have actually met neil Armstrong in non-ghost form, and people who are sufficiently familiar with the field to know that the statements made in the book do not in the least tally with any actual facts regarding either aerospace or the person of Neil Armstrong. This has been laid out in detail over several pages on this thread, and you insist on ignoring it. Why?

If you are not in fact another sock puppet, why do you not deal with the substance of those arguments rather than (or even in addition to) wasting everyone's time complaining about your perceived mistreatement?

Because I don't care? If it bothers you then fair enough. But why should I be bothered by something I don't care about just to satisfy you?

I found the book entertaining. Its factualness is completely irrelevant to that. Not sure how the fact you're a professional aerospace engineer has anything to do with what books or categories I chose to like or believe in.

A number of horror films claim to be 'based on fact'. Do you walk out of the movie the moment that pops up moaning to others that it couldn't possibly be true and they are all sockpuppets to the director?

Offline skeptic_UK

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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #361 on: September 18, 2014, 09:10:56 AM »
I wanted to be complimentary about the book as I enjoyed it.

Yes you've said that.  Then started to whine about how we discussed and dismissed your reasons for enjoying it.  You need no approval from us, but we are here to discuss Apollo and Apollo hoax theories, theorists, believers and assorted uncritical acceptance of the like.  Since you voluntarily came here and entered your preference and reasons into the discussion, they have been a topic of discussion. 

So now I COULD be someone else. Progress at least.
If you think so.  But no one ever suggested you are not who you are.  We simply think you maintain multiple logins on this forum. 

I hope you
Its good to live in hope, isn't it.

My gripe is that you claim I couldn't possibly enjoy it, therefore (by some crappy logic) determined I am in fact the author of the book. You then keep repeating this claim like some sort of school child thinking if it's repeated enough times it magically becomes fact.

When I understandably call this out it's then claimed I must be guilty because I'm complaining about it? yet again childish school yard logic.

Even someone with basic IT knowledge would know how easy it is to check the IPs of different posters and find that I only have 1 login. You seem to completely ignore that fact purely because it just doesn't measure up to your pre-judged opinion. You're starting to sound like the people this forum so loves to complain about.

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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #362 on: September 18, 2014, 09:31:46 AM »
If your only complaint is that you personally enjoyed the book (with its stories of inaccurate ghosts and golfing accountants), and other people didn't, then I wonder why *you* keep harping on it. Have you never before encountered people who disliked books you enjoyed? Do you always take personal umbrage if they do?

Because really, if the wacky story of an accountant who golfs with Neil Armstrong on the day he's supposed to be walking on the Moon, because "it's best to hide in plain sight" is your idea of a good read, I suspect that there are a lot of people who disagree with your general taste in literature.

Anyway, if your opinion is you don't know whether it's true or not, we are pretty sure it's not, and we have reasons to believe so. In which case, unless you have any evidence that would move us from that position, we'll leave you to enjoy interminable stories of improbable golf games.

Offline Andromeda

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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #363 on: September 18, 2014, 09:38:12 AM »
Because I don't care? If it bothers you then fair enough. But why should I be bothered by something I don't care about just to satisfy you?

Because that is part of the forum rules.

I found the book entertaining. Its factualness is completely irrelevant to that. Not sure how the fact you're a professional aerospace engineer has anything to do with what books or categories I chose to like or believe in.

You asked for recommendations for "good" books.  You got lots of lovely answers.  Why come on a forum like this if you are not willing to engage with people?  You are talking about an area of professional expertise of several members here and completely pooh-poohing it - that is why it matters.  I find your assertion that you thought this forum was for hoax believers a bit odd - why would anyone join a forum and start posting without having a look around first?

A number of horror films claim to be 'based on fact'. Do you walk out of the movie the moment that pops up moaning to others that it couldn't possibly be true and they are all sockpuppets to the director?

Apart from the fact that Jason does not like horror films... such films do not often besmirch the reputation of (thousands of) people living and dead, several of whom are on this forum or well known to the people on it.  When it does happen, the film-makers are roundly criticised.

Furthermore, we are talking about very basic fact.  If you saw a film which proported to be factual but had Napoleon being Italian, would you not pick that hole in it?  Indeed, there are miriad internet fora and books which are based around picking up such errors.  The basic errors in the book we are discussing here are an order of magnitude greater than my Napoleon example, yet the author expects it to be taken seriously as an entirely non-fictional work (unlike horror films).

Interestingly, as an aside, the book does not appear able to be purchased anywhere online, so I am very curious as to where you got it from if you are not the author himself.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 10:02:14 AM by Andromeda »
"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'" - Isaac Asimov.

Offline Echnaton

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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #364 on: September 18, 2014, 09:45:52 AM »
My gripe is that you claim I couldn't possibly enjoy it

Straw man. 

In fact I don't care if you enjoyed it.  But in posting your opinion, the thinking behind your enjoyment has become a topic of discussion.  Much like the thoughts in JayUtah's review.  Only his were well thought out and supported.     

Even someone with basic IT knowledge would know how easy it is to check the IPs of different posters

My knowledge of IT is sufficient to know that with minimal skill anyone can have access to different IPs from the same location.  So this protest is not particularly convincing.  At any rate, I have made my thoughts on your personhood clear.  So unless the issue takes another turn that needs addressing, I'll stick to discussing other topics. 

In that connection, is there any reason you can offer why we should hold your review of the book in any regard?
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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #365 on: September 18, 2014, 10:01:27 AM »
A number of horror films claim to be 'based on fact'. Do you walk out of the movie the moment that pops up

I am willing to give fiction wide latitude in employing deceptive techniques to achieve literary or entertainment goals.  What I do not watch is "documentaries" or "reality" shows like ghost hunting shows that purport to be true and are filmed in a live action style, while the manufacturers of the product hide from direct questioning.  Neil Burns book is just this kind of a product.  The critique and scorn given on this forum is quite appropriate.

This raises the question, do you think Haunted by Neil Armstrong is just fiction dressed up as reality, like your hypothetical horror film? 
« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 10:07:57 AM by Echnaton »
The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. —Samuel Beckett

Offline twik

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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #366 on: September 18, 2014, 10:10:36 AM »
I am willing to give fiction wide latitude in employing deceptive techniques to achieve literary or entertainment goals.  What I do not watch is "documentaries" or "reality" shows like ghost hunting shows that purport to be true and are filmed in a live action style, while the manufacturers of the product hide from direct questioning. 

Yes. There is a difference between "Fargo" and "Ghost Hunters".

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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #367 on: September 18, 2014, 10:23:24 AM »
... I also ordered a copy of Mr Burns' book....

Ok...who else ordered this "book"? :D

Quote's impossible to really know if it's true or not.

That you believe it "impossible" is not relevant.

I think some people here are just pre-judging the book based on their own views on the author rather than the actual content.  ;)

This is not the truth...posters here have simply torn apart an assortment of garbage ideas....the actual content of the book.

The world map especially was very nicely done, and interesting to see the route he took around the world. Kudos to him for making it.

I don't see how this is relevant to any discussion of Apollo, so why did you post it?

I can understand why you might not believe it's true.

Belief has nothing to do with it. There is simply no credible evidence for anything said in the book re. Apollo/Armstrong.

But if it is or isn't doesn't take away from its entertainment value imho.

I'll paraphrase what I've previously posted....there is nothing "entertaining" about reading a book filled with willful, ignorant lies.

Offline Echnaton

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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #368 on: September 18, 2014, 10:28:18 AM »
I am willing to give fiction wide latitude in employing deceptive techniques to achieve literary or entertainment goals.  What I do not watch is "documentaries" or "reality" shows like ghost hunting shows that purport to be true and are filmed in a live action style, while the manufacturers of the product hide from direct questioning. 

Yes. There is a difference between "Fargo" and "Ghost Hunters".

Or even Ghost and Ghost Hunters.  Ghost (1990) that is.
The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. —Samuel Beckett

Offline skeptic_UK

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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #369 on: September 18, 2014, 10:31:46 AM »
Because I don't care? If it bothers you then fair enough. But why should I be bothered by something I don't care about just to satisfy you?

Because that is part of the forum rules.

The forum rules state that I must be bothered about every forum users opinion on a random book that's linked? I find that highly unlikely.

Interestingly, as an aside, the book does not appear able to be purchased anywhere online, so I am very curious as to where you got it from if you are not the author himself.

His website. Which ANOTHER user (I believe JayUtah) posted (before you pick on me for 'shilling' his website). It's also one of the top links when you google his user-name. It was discussed at length on this very thread I believe.

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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #370 on: September 18, 2014, 10:38:36 AM »
Not sure how the fact you're a professional aerospace engineer has anything to do with what books or categories I chose to like or believe in.

Well, guess what?...this is a discussion forum, and if you profess to like/believe something so irrational as this garbage book, some here might be curious as to why you like/believe it.

...and they will expect an answer, so get over it, already.

Offline Andromeda

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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #371 on: September 18, 2014, 10:46:04 AM »
Don't shout at me.  I don't deserve your rudeness.

Why have you ignored the substance of my post?
"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'" - Isaac Asimov.

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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #372 on: September 18, 2014, 10:47:47 AM »
...why should I be bothered by something I don't care about just to satisfy you?

See my previous post...this is a discussion board, and if you don't want to participate, don't.

Offline skeptic_UK

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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #373 on: September 18, 2014, 11:02:12 AM »
Don't shout at me.  I don't deserve your rudeness.

Why have you ignored the substance of my post?

You're the 2nd poster who's tried to look clever by trying to somehow 'catch me out' by pointing out something I've posted to proof I'm apparently Jockndoris. Excuse me for finding that a little annoying. Don't get all defensive when I show you up in return.

I accept your apology for insinuating what you did even though you seem to have forgotten to type it out  :-*

As for the substance of your post I'm not sure what the point of it is? I indeed asked for some recommendations. Which you kindly all gave. Not sure why you find it so weird that I didn't follow every single one?

You also seem to be criticising ME for the contents of SOMEONE ELSE'S BOOK. Not sure why I should be an apologist for Jockndoris/Neil Burns just because I bought his book.

Offline skeptic_UK

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Re: Good books about the moon landings hoax?
« Reply #374 on: September 18, 2014, 11:04:42 AM »
...why should I be bothered by something I don't care about just to satisfy you?

See my previous post...this is a discussion board, and if you don't want to participate, don't.

A discussion is not repeatedly claiming I'm a liar, Illiterate, and someone else in disguise, repeatedly and childishly no matter how many times I state otherwise. You're all attacking me and then feigning 'shock and disgust' when I call you all out on it.