Sure doesn't look near pristine to me.
Because you don't realize what you should be looking at.
This bullet is accountable for causing 7 wounds
in so doing also shattered one of Connally's ribs
and also shattered bones in Connally's wrist
It is improbable to traverse thru flesh and maintain it's 'pristine' shape
It is an impossibility to shatter bones and not be seriously flattend, deformed and fractured.
Connally had more bullet fragments still remaining in his wrist after surgery then can be accounted for.
Connally had bullet fragments removed during his surgery that also can't be accounted for - see Nurse Bell
Even if this bullet miraculously caused the 7 wounds and shattered bones, the extra bullet fragments can not be accounted for, period.
Plus the man who discovered this bullet stated it was not found on Connaly's stretcher - One more fact that was ignored by the WC.
Ce-399 appears to be in a more pristine shape then bullets test fired for ballistic comparison.