Prof, I just don't get it. Some call you a troll, but if so, you're a dang persistent one. What are you doing here? You won't convince us by trying to paint us as stupid when you show you aren't willing to do actual research into the real data. You won't win us over by parroting people long debunked.
If you aren't here to test your own ideas, you must be here to try to convince us, but you aren't able to adopt a tone that could, in the least, be convincing to people that actually understand the details of the case. You certainly do no one any favors by CONSISTENTLY IGNORING that the gunshot was replicated, or any of the other very very vital pieces of evidence that you don't like. In fact, ignoring key pieces of evidence has done you little favors to anyone.
Making claim after claim that is easily debunked, or is based entirely on reading into testimony what isn't even said, makes you look amazingly dishonest, or at the least delusional.
Why are you here? What are you doing?