There's also this. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. NASA could not pay me enough to lie about history. I believe lying about history is a sin, a word I don't use very often. It is our duty and obligation to tell the truth whenever possible. I wouldn't lie for profit.
Same here. Lying is not in my DNA.
The thing is, in a way, it very much is in mine. Bipolar disorder often makes for very good liars; I have a friend who I don't much trust when he says certain things, because I'm pretty sure it's his illness talking, not him. But I find lying so repulsive on a personal level that I've worked to overcome it. Oh, there are a few places you shouldn't trust me, but it's mostly when I tell you that I'm totally working on a project that's due tomorrow. Because I've probably been putting it off until I finish it hurriedly and not very well at the last minute. However, even then, I really try not to, because it's wrong.