The camera Mr. Groves used was a Bronica ETRsi 120. The camera used for Apollo was a Hasselblad 500/EL with a modified longroll magazine. What principle of science allows you to assume that those camera bodies and their magazines provide the same level of x-ray attenuation? Groves offers no evidence that he tested the radiation attenuation factor of either camera.
Groves stated he subjected the exposed film, in the camera/magazine, to 25-100 rem of 8 MeV radiation. He offers no evidence that 8 MeV is the proper energy to use. I know what the prevalent energy level is for naturally occurring x-rays. Do you? Groves offers no evidence that the levels of exposure he used were reasonable in any way as a duplication of the space environment. In short, Groves gives no evidence that his test in any way replicates the Apollo film environment with respect to radiation.