The only thing I will accept is experimental duplication, in other words a photograph taken with one shadow perpindicular to the cameras perspective and another at a 45 degree angle. NO HANDWAVING.It is simply not possible. Granted, if the shadows (and light source) are much closer to parallel with the cameras field of veiw as in the example above that I have quoted, it is obvious the shadows will appear to converge, but never can. This is simply a matter of perspective, the same distance further away looks shorter.
How many examples would you like? Remember NO HANDWAVING!
The shadows of stumps "A" and "B" are parallel to the horizon (as per your requirements)
The shadow of stump "C" is at an angle
The only light source is the sun (as per your requirements)
Stumped? OK, try this one
The shadow of the furthest fencepost is parallel to the horizon (as per your requirements)
The shadow of the nearest fencepost is at an angle of 45° (as per your requirements)
The only light source is the sun (as per your requirements)
Still not happy, then try this
The shadow of the tree is parallel to the horizon (as per your requirements)
The shadow of the nearest fencepost is at an angle
The only light source is the sun (as per your requirements)
And if you are actually prepared to LEARN something (which I doubt, because you appear to be so arrogant and self- absorbed that you are, IMO, incapable of accepting that there is anything that anyone can teach you) then you might like to look at the next photo. If you are as clever as you think you are, it will help you to understand that the Apollo Lunar surface photo that you think is faked, isn't