Author Topic: Apollo resources  (Read 8641 times)

Offline sts60

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Apollo resources
« on: May 08, 2012, 10:59:52 AM »
I didn't see an existing Apollo resources thread on this board.

Here is the "Best Apollo Resource I've Ever Seen" thread from the old board.

We have a handful of Apollo paper reports in our library which are not, AFAIK, available in electronic form, so I will scan them occasionally if anyone is interested.

Here's one (PM me if you'd like a copy - about 8 MB PDF).

TRW Note No. 66 FMT-405, Apollo Lunar Landing Missions Operational Abort Analysis - Interim Report, 31 March 1966.

Abstract.  "This document presents the functional display requirements for earth return aborts from the Apollo lunar landing mission.  In addition, preliminary recommendations for procedures defining the proper use of the various display candidates and abort modes are included.  This study represents an extension and revision of the analysis presented in the Task MSC/TRW A-60, 3 first interim report and considers mission trajectory phases from translunar injection to earth reentry, excluding LEM lunar operations."

The funny thing is that conspiracists claim all that Apollo money could have gone to the secret faking program.  They never consider that in addition to all the people building real hardware and launch pads and whatnot, there was a truly enormous amount of analysis getting for which people were getting paid - for example this rather obscure report, and its 30 or so references to other reports.

Offline ka9q

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Re: Apollo resources
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2012, 02:29:19 PM »
Thank you! While there's a vast amount of Apollo-era stuff already on the NTRS in machine-readable form, not all of it is. The more the merrier.