I have several volumes of the Lunar Science Conference proceedings, chock full of contemporary scientific papers based on the lunar samples from scientists all over the world.
Not the most rivetting of reads, but great for demonstrating that the samples were available to the scientific community and that the data from their analyses were publicly available.
Email them the blunder, maybe he can get an understanding
The Blunder? An understanding?
Firstly he has to
want to understand, and I don't think he does... too far down the HB path not to lose a massive amount of face. His own ego is more important to him than the truth!
Secondly, he has to
be capable of understanding, and I don't think he is. If his writings and the commentary of his YT videos are any indication, he cannot think clearly enough to understand.
"I have found you an argument; but I am not obliged to find you an understanding."Samuel Johnson, June 1784