It's truly amazing how he'll keep pounding on the same misconceptions literally for years.
He still claims the LM ascent stage was deliberately imbalanced, even though it's been patiently explained many times that fuel and oxidizer have different densities so asymmetric tanks were needed to balance them.
He still can't understand that core rope memory (the read-only memory in the Apollo Guidance Computer) operates on a fundamentally different principle than the more common read-write core memory with which he was familiar.
Hunchbacked perfectly illustrates why I take the time to debunk hoaxers, even though they (almost) never admit their mistakes. Showing why the LM ascent tanks are asymmetric was trivial, but it took me a little longer to understand exactly how core rope memory worked. Although it's obsolete today, I was impressed with the cleverness of the design and how it overcame the limited technology of the day. I almost always learn something even though he never does.