Anyone who argues with conspiracy theorist will know their views on the Apollo Program machines, crafts and designs. Frequently they argue about how stupid everything looks, how nothing makes sense, or shouldn't be able to work at all.
My favourite way to question their
Is by asking how it should have been build, and why. I am sure many ideas, which they claim NASA was too stupid to 'pretent' to build, have come up.
So what would the Apollo program look like if designed conspiracy theorist?
The Saturn-v would be a giant single stage rocket as tall as the Empire State building. The LM and CM shielding needs to be made out of meter thick sheets of lead. Of course they will shoot right for the moon, through the most intense part of the Van Allen radiation belt. The LM is actually also a giant rocket, because you need to lift off the moon right back to earth!
Hasselblad camera's have to be put in a lead box, because Ekatchrome film was clearly sensitive to ultraviolet light and high energy particles. (Also I can't wait to shoot Ektachrome 35mm film when it becomes available again in 2017).
The rover has inflated tires made out of several inches of thick rubber to protect from the -200 +200 Celsius degrees temperature changes.
The rover TV camera has a massive antenna that always has to be pointed to the Earth, otherwise the universe will explode.
The suits don't recycle oxygen, and thus have to carry large amounts of gaseous oxygen.
I think this will go rather well.