Apollo 12 through 17 (and Skylab, ASTP and Shuttle up to 1987) all used sequential color full resolution 29.97 frames per second cameras. This signal was not needed to be scan converted in order to be viewable on a standard SD TV set - note: given the RGB filtering, the image luminance flickers (in conjunction with the differences in the seperate color channels). So, in order to have a full gamut color image, the sequential material was matrixed in a custom built color converter.
As evidence to the existance of these tapes, for example, recent color conversions were made of the Apollo 16 TV feeds (known for a fact, as I hold reference copies). These were made from the original recordings. The ASTP press conference exists as the monochrome pre-color converted recording. The separate Red Blue Green recordings for color TV from the missions exist as well.