#1: No, until then your claim remains unproven. You've made a claim, there have been reasonable explanations for why your claim is wrong, and you have provided no counter-argument or any experts who support your claim. Therefore you have failed to make your case and there remains no reason to throw away our history books.
#2: You have been debunked. You don't get to declare the arguments made by others invalid, you have to prove it.
that you're too hard headed to accept any argument that contradicts you.
#1: My claim is that there exists no known viable physics explanation for the flag motions. If my claim is wrong - show me JUST ONE.
#2: The people who made those claims won't even defend them. Name one that has been defended, and still stands the scrutiny that I have provided.
Unless someone can do this - my claim stands. Unless someone even TRIES to do so - thread is complete. Folks have made loose vague claims - but when discussed more specifically - they back down and stop defending.... because their vague claims were critically flawed... and they didn't even try to defend against the critical flaws. Show me where I'm wrong on this.
This doesn't mean throw out the history books, it simply means that no one has been able to offer a viable physics explanation for these motions.
I'll be happy document whichever refutation you believe is worthy of being called "the best explanation we can find." Which explanations do you believe are "viable" which I am ignoring? And then lets talk about it, and find someone to defend it. So far, no luck at this -- because there really isn't a good physics explanation - because the scenario is SO SIMPLE... SO DEVOID of options to viably explain it.