Prior to MY work...
No. You had to be dragged kicking and screaming to basic concepts, which you continue to misunderstand. You are not an unsung genius, and you have not solved the problem you raised in this thread. Your claim to have solved the problem with "simple fluid dynamics" is still an open issue. Your unwillingness to participate in ascertaining the correctness of that solution does not amount to a justification for closing the door on it.
The reason I invited A McKelvey (from the stack exchange) here, was to get more physics-minded people here to look at the Hoax Claims -- such as the 9 Flag movements from A14, or the A12 Rendezvous flinging dish pendulum.
But you neglected to tell him you were the one claiming Apollo is a hoax, and that you are likely trying to deceive him into giving you ammunition to support that claim. At best, when you present yourself there with, "Someone please help me, I don't know what I'm doing," and then try here to resume your desired image as a physics master, it rather gives away the plot.
I want smart minds here to meaningfully discuss, debate, and make progress on the Hoax Theories. If they are debunkable, I want to see them debunked... quickly.
The people here are smart enough to address your claims. Your claims are neither new nor particularly vexing, and do not require additional "progress" to see through. You are neither as smart nor as important as you seem to think you are, nor do you seem to be altruistically motivated.