If this forum were Neutral - it would work against NASA/Apollo.
That is literally contradictory. If this site were neutral it would take a side? Seriously?
Pretend you are an ordinary person wanting to find out "why do some people question the moon landing", then turn to Google/YT and see what you can find. Nothing but "debunking of strawmen", almost entirely. It's near impossible to find a video produced by someone other than Sibrel (the worst of the skeptics), who actually believes we didn't land on the moon.
But if you look up Flat Earth - you'll find PLENTY of videos by people who actually believe the Earth is Flat -- AND also don't think we went to the moon.
So why is it easy to find PRO "Flat Earth videos", but NOT for "Moon Landing Hoax"
In my view, there is a distinct difference between the two -- the first one, Flat Earth, is FALSE, and therefore not a threat to our government and societal world view. The 2nd one -- is different.
And so, it's TRUE that for this forum to be NEUTRAL would work AGAINST NASA...
Google/YT/etc are all complicit in HIDING the good Moon Landing Hoax materials from the general public. If you really want to find this stuff, you have to buy a book, which opens this door more.
Rasa's FB group, reached 40K+ members -- then was hijacked by hackers -- and now permeated with BAD Hoax Theories -- such that anyone looking for a ML Hoax group to join, is most likely to find this one, and then be fed VERY BAD LOGIC -- which is presented as "good evidence"... and the average mind who is dabbling in MLH will be "made a fool of".
If you spent a year trying to be MLH -- you'd see how the whole system is stacked against MLH, in ways that are UNIQUE, compared to other hoax theories -- such as Flat Earth.
And yet--- when I dig into the Moon Landing evidence, I find a LOT OF EVIDENCE that had previously been completely unmentioned and very difficult to find -- if you only rely upon Google/YT/search-engines.
And I'm seeing NASA do considerable clean-up where mistakes were made.
IMO - it's US vs. THEM ... and y'all may be fighting for the wrong side here.
And so - I continue to dig in to find out which parts of the MLH evidence can be debunked, vs. which parts cannot.
And a NEUTRAL FORUM would be a benefit to us all. But works against NASA's current scheme, having everything already stacked against MLH.