While this dish flinging, bouncing, then settling out like a pendulum in the advertised context, might actually be impossible.
No, you don't get to brush it off as 'maybe impossible'. It is a motorised armature with two rotational degrees of freedom. If it can move
at all as it is seen to it can do so as a combination of deliberate or accidental controlled motions, or it can settle from a moving state to rest under any force that would cause that to occur, such as natural elastic energy exchange in the moving parts of the object.
But I'm happy to document your explanation(s) however you want.
No, as you have been told, it is not our burden of proof. It is yours to support your claim that it is,
and can only be, a pendulum swing under the influence of gravity. And that includes dealing with all the necessary consequences of that claim.
Once again, if we are right, then the system can be part of a spacecraft operating in space as claimed, with no additional components, wires, braking mechanisms, film edits, procedures, people, sets, or anything required. Your claim
requires additional things for which there is no evidence beyond 'this is what you think would be needed to make it do the thing you think it's doing'.
The "magic" is when you say NASA accelerated development by 50% following a tragic occurrence...
Yadda yadda yadda, same old, same old. Nothing 'magic' about it. The entire programme is well documented and has been for half a century. You do not bring any new or special insight here, no matter how much you may wish you did.