I forgot to include this earlier. You really need to stop with this analogy, as it's biased on its basic premise and doesn't accurately reflect the situation.
A more accurate example might be someone seeing a video of a 4 hour heart transplant surgery and saying it's fake because....
In this case, we're watching it ON TV, not in person, and for hours all looks real. But then the doctor asks for the new heart, and it
floats to him like he's a Jedi with the Force. He's Breaking Simple Physics here. We just entered into a Fake Reality. Suddenly, you should start to wonder about the authenticity of the whole operation.
Then he Breaks Physics another few times. When he hands the heart to the nurse, she fumbles it, and instead of falling, it floats.... but just for 1 second. And a few more times, stuff like this happens...
If the mistakes I'm pointing out were of complex nature -- then your analogy might hold. But these mess ups were SIMPLISTIC. UNBREAKABLE. UNEXPLAINABLE.
Now add the rest of NASA's context:
1. It's tied to Dishonest Politics, Cold War, and Fear of Communism and National Security.
2. Failure is not an option. To admit failure would be a huge hit against Citizen trust of our government, as they wasted so many billions. All future budgets cancelled; NASA shut down; Mission Failed.
3. Headed up by Military men in nearly all leadership positions, astronauts, Control Room leadership, project management.
4. Thomas Baron, Whistleblower, killed 6 days after testifying to the truth about NASA's Quality/procedures - "what is ACTUALLY happening at ground floor"- -- names a dozen others who can also testify. Gives them a 500 page report... which goes MISSING after his "tragic accident" and no more witnesses come forth... hmmm....
5. 50 years pass, and we NEVER do anything like this again...
6. They destroy much of the evidence, and data. (Source Tapes and telemetry data -- all gone. LM design/test docs - mostly all gone.)
And I'm just supposed to "believe this surgery was real", and will be ridiculed for concluding "nope, I don't think this was real -- they BROKE PHYSICS many times!"
So my only onus here is to demonstrate the "Breaking of Simple Physics". My biggest hindrance is that MOST Americans don't have a great understanding of physics or even the simple Newtonian equations that demonstrate the fakery.