How does Vincent claim a NASA photo as his? I didn't think he was even American. Don't YouTube check such things?
From what I understand, evidently not. They seem to respond to such claims before (if ever) checking into whether they are legitimate or not.
That's a recipe for major trollage. I mean technically Jarrah has been defamed in this case. He could legitimately sue.
Somehow, Vincent has made Jarrah White a legitimate plaintiff. That is stunning ineptitude.
I think the legal waters would quickly get muddy, once all the he-said/he-said got started. Vincent is responding (in a grossly juvenile way) to JW getting his account terminated with DMCA claims, which Jarrah sprays around like birdshot.
Of course, Vincent did promptly vow - ON VIDEO - to file "
all sorts of fraudulent terms of service and DMCAs", so he pretty well shot himself in the foot as far as any legal actions go. Golly gee, Vincent, ever hear of the First Rule of Fight Club?
I know less than nothing about how a legal battle between two individuals literally on opposite sides of the Earth would work, but it seems as if it would be a hellishly expensive undertaking, especially to sue a kid (Vincent) who probably doesn't own much more than the clothes on his back.