Author Topic: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?  (Read 91589 times)

Offline gillianren

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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #60 on: May 13, 2014, 12:22:34 PM »
Can't answer your latter question but in regard to the gold visor they were supposed to keep it down for any EVA operations in sunlight.  Partly that was just for comfort - just like wearing sunglasses down here on terra.  The Sun was not visibly brighter, but it sure would have looked dazzling and totally weird being up there in a dark sky, combined with the entire brightly lit landscape.

And it's not as though people don't wear sunglasses on Earth on days where it's not all that bright, just because it's still brighter than they'd like.
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Offline Echnaton

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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #61 on: May 13, 2014, 12:36:28 PM »
Yada Yada yada....

Allancw is baaaack.

This is what is know as a fringe reset. 

For the uninitiated lurker or the future student working on a primary school thesis (I've seen how precocious Sci Fi kids are,) Ill describe the process.  Regulars here know this all too well. 

A fringe reset follows a general pattern. First a CTist get his bottom spanked and his face slapped after posting and failing to defend some cockeyed proposition.  He skulks away to another forum to 1. argue the same nonsense, 2. argue different nonsense, or 3. where he can control the discussion.  After some period of time, he is run off other forums and gets tired of talking to himself so he comes back to us to argue the same thing or some twist on the theme, pretending the past never happened and hoping everyone else will forget too. 

Allan not only makes the fringe reset but seems to celebrate it as a joyous occasion.  As if his return marks some special occasion.   In fact it marks the first visit by a HBer in a good while and ultimately helps us in our goal of documenting turn of the 21st century Apollo hoax belief.  I'll leave it to precocious future students, as an exercise,  to classify Allan and his traits among the various HBs that have come our way.
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Offline JayUtah

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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #62 on: May 13, 2014, 07:04:48 PM »
I believe Jay also asked Edgar Mitchell about it.

That is correct.  He said he had to step into the shadow of the LM, tilt his head back as far as it would go in the helmet, and let his eyes dark-adapt -- then he could see stars from the lunar surface.  Otherwise he said that if they were visible under normal working conditions, he didn't notice them.
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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #63 on: May 13, 2014, 07:09:13 PM »
Let's keep it simple...

No, let's treat the question in its full context with all the important conditions and details left intact.  Every time a hoax claimant tries to make this argument, he can do so only by trying to create simplistic expectations and false dilemmas that bear no resemblance to reality.  The claims from NASA, its astronauts, and the disputers of the silly hoax claims are -- and have always been -- that the conditions of visibility vary so greatly during different space operations that no single "rule" dictates when stars will be seen.

Anything besides that is just a straw man.
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Offline ChrLz

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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #64 on: May 13, 2014, 11:34:31 PM »
While the crickets continue chirping...

I thought I might check out Allan's claim to being a photographer of such skill that he could, you know, analyse stuff...  So I popped over to his website as a first stop to see what he *claimed*...  Well, I clicked the link to his 'gallery/ies' to see his prowess... sadly, that page is very, very broken.  What is even more embarrassing, it's broken in such a way that it shows the login name he was using, presumably when it all fell apart - the errors proudly proclaim that Access {is} Denied and then show that login..

At least it doesn't show his password, I guess.  To save you the trouble of going there, I've attached a quick screenshot of what it looks like, with little coloured boxes over the login name (I'm very kind..):

Anyway, I trust his photographic knowledge is better than those website skills - all I can judge is that one low-res badly processed shot of a particularly lethargic looking surfer.. and I'll refrain from telling you what I think, other than to say it reinforces what has already been said here.

Offline Zakalwe

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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #65 on: May 14, 2014, 02:04:32 AM »
I think that you might have the wrong link. There is a photo "portfolio", but the images look like any other collection of personal snaps.

Mr. Weisbecker, do you have any links to your "13 page spread for the Smithsonian" please? A search for "Weisbecker" on the Smithsonian website produces a single hit which has nothing to do with you.....
« Last Edit: May 14, 2014, 02:06:38 AM by Zakalwe »
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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #66 on: May 14, 2014, 03:58:12 AM »
Which one of you said this:

What they couldn't do was see the stars if the Sun was in the same field of view. No different to being on earth...after all, do you see the stars in the daytime?

Anyone have a problem with this statement?

Here's a picture that perfectly illustrates the point:

(OMG...someone's stolen all the stars!!! :o )

Of course, it'll be claimed (assuming that Mr. Weisbewcker decides to respond!) that the kids that launched the balloon from which the image is taken are all paid Nasa shills....
"The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' " - Isaac Asimov

Offline Glom

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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #67 on: May 14, 2014, 05:29:28 AM »
Everyone's a paid shill.

It's like the thing that most bugged me about Stargate by the end: they kept up the cover up. It was fine in the beginning, but by the time Atlantis rolls round, you've got half the Damn planet in on it. It made me wonder just who they're keeping it from by the end.

Offline ChrLz

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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #68 on: May 14, 2014, 07:14:51 AM »
I think that you might have the wrong link. There is a photo "portfolio", but the images look like any other collection of personal snaps.
Umm, I *supplied* the link and the screenshot ('s from  I suspect you went to his little self-publishing book company which I shall not respam for him - I went to Mr Weisbecker's actual website..

Mr. Weisbecker, do you have any links to your "13 page spread for the Smithsonian" please? A search for "Weisbecker" on the Smithsonian website produces a single hit which has nothing to do with you...
I too would like to see this.  Especially when he is quoted as saying his work appears "frequently" therein.

Consider this another formal question, Allan Weisbecker - please cite two examples of your published works in the Smithsonian, or its 'magazine'...  (I trust he doesn't mean he posted on their Facebook page - that would be pretty hilarious..)

If you won't, then the implication might be somewhat ironic given the title of this thread...

Offline Zakalwe

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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #69 on: May 14, 2014, 07:46:34 AM »
Umm, I *supplied* the link and the screenshot ('s from  I suspect you went to his little self-publishing book company which I shall not respam for him - I went to Mr Weisbecker's actual website..

Ahh, I see. yes..I did a rummage around to find his "portfolio", but I am loathe to link to it as I don't want to generate traffic.

I too would like to see this.  Especially when he is quoted as saying his work appears "frequently" therein.

Consider this another formal question, Allan Weisbecker - please cite two examples of your published works in the Smithsonian, or its 'magazine'... 

Sitting here with bated breath......  ::) ::)

I fear that we might have seen the last of Mr Weisbecker for a while though. He took the "La la la, I'm not listening" approach and disappeared the last time, despite the fanfare of this last poor effort of his.
Allancw is baaaack.

On a separate point, and given the lack of HB posts, is this the best that the HB "community" can put forward? Or have they retreated into their own little enclaves and no longer even want to try and support their fallacies?
« Last Edit: May 14, 2014, 07:59:35 AM by Zakalwe »
"The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' " - Isaac Asimov

Offline gillianren

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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #70 on: May 14, 2014, 12:34:21 PM »
From what I've seen, either no one much believes in the Apollo hoax anymore or else no one much cares.  I admit we don't get conspiracists of any stripe here very often these days, but even the few I know personally tend to think hoax belief is ridiculous.
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Offline Luckmeister

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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #71 on: May 14, 2014, 12:47:56 PM »
It appears allancw does not want to discuss or debate as I'm sure he realizes his position would only weaken if he did. An occasional post to bump his spam links is all he seems to want to do. At this point, I doubt he believes his own tripe..... it's all about money.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2014, 01:06:09 PM by Luckmeister »
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Offline Echnaton

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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #72 on: May 14, 2014, 12:54:54 PM »
From what I've seen, either no one much believes in the Apollo hoax anymore or else no one much cares.  I admit we don't get conspiracists of any stripe here very often these days, but even the few I know personally tend to think hoax belief is ridiculous.

I am in the "no one much cares" camp.  Apollo stuff just doesn't get much traction these days. 

Its been argued to death.  The Apollonian conspiratorially aware have mostly died out or moved on to more contemporary conspiracies.  The few remaining ones have walled up to protect themselves from exposure to the embarrassment of being so out of fashion.  But we still have Allan to kick around this week.  Maybe some others will be back for an encore too, one of these days. 
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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #73 on: May 14, 2014, 02:27:44 PM »
Yesterday on N-TV they had a science segment and had the opinions of one Mr Gerhard Wisnewski. "Here we go again" I thought. Then, once he was done sprouting his nonsense they brought in the ESA and physics experts in. I have never felt so proud to be part of a media group that still praticed journalistic integrity.
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Offline ka9q

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Re: Why are NASA astronauts (still) lying?
« Reply #74 on: May 14, 2014, 04:18:15 PM »
I did not know who Gerhard Wisnewski was, but I quickly learned that he's a German conspiracy theorist/"journalist" who seems to fit the "crank magnet" mold. Besides Apollo, he's also into 9/11 conspiracies, the whole lot.

I wonder if there is an English titled version of that program anywhere. It might be entertaining.

Along the lines of the news media's fetish for "balance" on even the most  absurdly unbalanced factual questions, check out this recent bit by John Oliver re global warming denial. It's perfect.