Lionking, I will spell this out very simply for you. You assumed:
1: Andromeda was a man
2: Andromeda was in the US
3: That Andromeda could not understand the pain of infertility
4: That Andromeda may not know anyone who was infertile
5: That as an assumed male, Andromeda would not understand the pain of infertility.
That last one moves into frankly offensive territory. How dare you assume that a man would not undertand such pain? Andromeda may know such a person, may even be such a person, and even if she was male, she might have enough experience of other people going through such pain to have some idea of hat it is like and to sympathise.
Now, why don't you actually, properly, acknowledge these absurd and offensive assumptions and apologise properly for them rather than continuing to try and justify your comments? THat is when this conversation will actually move on, not when you just decide not to play any more because you're being called on your position again.