Author Topic: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.  (Read 493736 times)

Offline JayUtah

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Re: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1020 on: September 04, 2015, 01:38:37 PM »
I have been. Twice.
I've been evaluated by four psychiatrists and two psychologists.
All reached the same diagnosis, no mental illness, no personality disorders, no required medication.

This claim is inconsistent.

I don't think most could pass the test.

No, this is not another case of "Everyone is like me."
"Facts are stubborn things." --John Adams

Offline Luke Pemberton

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Re: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1021 on: September 04, 2015, 01:41:36 PM »
All reached the same diagnosis, no mental illness, no personality disorders, no required medication.
One of the psychiatrist's reports stated that he thought I was a bit narcissistic but then added, "but these days, who isn't?"

Pass on the address, I'll point him/her in the direction of this thread and I'm sure he/she will upgrade the assessment in bold.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former - Albert Einstein.

I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people – Sir Isaac Newton.

A polar orbit would also bypass the SAA - Tim Finch

Offline Allan F

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Re: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1022 on: September 04, 2015, 01:47:31 PM »

You should be forcibly committed to a mental institution.

I have been. Twice.
The first time for inciting a strike demanding an Independent, fully funded and fully empowered 9-11 Investigation and the second time for breaking a window demanding an Independent, fully funded and fully empowered 9-11 Investigation.
I've been evaluated by four psychiatrists and two psychologists.
All reached the same diagnosis, no mental illness, no personality disorders, no required medication.
One of the psychiatrist's reports stated that he thought I was a bit narcissistic but then added, "but these days, who isn't?"
I don't think most could pass the test.

We only  have your own opinion for your sanity. Your words seem to indicate a serious disturbance. Can you produce the documents which attest to your sanity?
Well, it is like this: The truth doesn't need insults. Insults are the refuge of a darkened mind, a mind that refuses to open and see. Foul language can't outcompete knowledge. And knowledge is the result of education. Education is the result of the wish to know more, not less.

Offline Abaddon

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Re: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1023 on: September 04, 2015, 01:50:23 PM »
I've never heard of the Gallileo Defense
Yet we seem to be discovering the multitudinous things you know nothing about. Like everything.

but you don't have to be right to invoke the Scientific Method.
But once you invoke the scientific method one has to be prepared to acknowledge that one might very well be flat out wrong.

You seem not to have understood this.

The Scientific Method is the solution to the Apollo controversy today on Earth.
Yes. All the evidence says it happened and none says it did not. Where does that leave you?

Unfortunately and very strangely, I'm the only one advocating it while the rest of you desperately grovel in subjective metaphysics.
Nope. You have been provided with the videos and photos and technical papers on the internet which you claim do not exist on the internet. You have demonstrated and admitted that you are utterly useless at finding anything on the internet and have even plaintively asked "How did you find that?" Whaen you have been taken to task.

Furthermore, you have ignored moderators directives which is why you are now on "watched" status. You somehow came up with the crackpot notion that I am a mod here out of fat air.

ETA: Now further uprated to "Moderated Status". That takes some serious effort here.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2015, 02:05:18 PM by Abaddon »

Offline Cat Not Included

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Re: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1024 on: September 04, 2015, 01:53:10 PM »
While I realize the likely outcome of this...

Neil, would you please explain what, in your world, "proof" means? What is your definition of proof? How does it differ from evidence?

Proof is truth.
Evidence is belief.

I'll for a moment ignore the utter uselessness of that answer and just follow with the next logical question: if you see a piece of information, how do you know if it is evidence or proof?

(I'll also ignore that this definition you just gave has nothing in common with everyone else's definition of 'evidence' and 'proof', since I did ask "in your world").
The quote "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" very clearly predates personal computers.

Offline Sus_pilot

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Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1025 on: September 04, 2015, 01:57:34 PM »

BTW, I have a training technique that I virtually guarantee is one where you'll put yourself in the graveyard spiral, even if you're a multi-thousand hour IFR pilot, within about 90 seconds.  The longest I've seen someone last is about 150 seconds.  I got it from a very wise pilot examiner and use it as an object lesson about how unreliable seat-of-the-pants piloting is.

I'm all ears or all eyes. Can you describe it?

Off topic, but since I'm heading you off at the pass in linking the ebil gubbiment killing JFK, Jr. and somehow linking that to non-existent conspiracies about Apollo being faked, 9/11 being a US Government Job, and the Holocaust not being real, I'll tell you. 

IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTE:  Do NOT do this by yourself and only do this under daytime visual conditions with a qualified instructor.   

All you need to do is set up the airplane in normal cruise.  Put the airplane in a coordinated two minute turn.  Now stare at your left or right foot, preferably with a view limiting device.  This simulates trying to fly the airplane with no visual cues, such as looking out the window on a dark, moonless night with no visible horizon.  Maintain the two minute turn using your vestibular and kinesthetic senses.  Most people will be in a descending, accelerating 50 degree bank within 270 degrees of turn.  You can start from straight and level, but it takes a little longer for events to unfold. 

That's how JFK, Jr. flew a PA32 into the ocean.
ETA and back on subject:  If I know the airplane has been tested at the factory, been properly maintained, know the G-load and V-speed limits, and have learned the techniques for flying an aircraft in an inadvertent thunderstorm encounter, then there's no good reason to actually go into a cell.  But your logic says my training and the testing of the aircraft is only valid if I do so.

Did my logic actually say that? I thought we agreed not to fly into the thunderstorm.

Why, yes, your logic says that.  The only way of knowing something works is to do it yourself (astronaut needs to go into a vacuum chamber in a full suit to prove it works).

Now, that usually a self-induced emergency, so it doesn't match up precisely with the spacesuit/sublimator issue.  But take icing as an example.  I have flown  light GA airplanes with known icing equipment, notably the Diamond DA-42 with a "weeping wing".  I've read the approved flight manual, know how the system works, read the relevant training material from the FAA, Jeppesen, ASA, ad infinitum.  Because of this training, I know how to fly the airplane in icing conditions.  Never happened, because, even when conditions were favorable, I never was '"lucky" enough to pick up ice in the airplane (oddly enough, I picked up a boatload of ice in Cherokee when it was supposed to be too warm, but I digress).  Yet, even though I never had the experience of flying in ice I knew the system (not that particular aircraft) had been tested and approved, both at the component level and as an integrated whole.  Thus, I had confidence in it and did not have to take the plane to a full scale icing tunnel to test it before I flew it.
So you actually wanted icing because you were trained to deal with it? If you had gotten icing and dealt with it, would you have more or less confidence the next time you got it?  If you could simulate icing under controlled conditions and train your students under those conditions, would you do so?

No, I didn't want icing (unlike the NASA test pilots in the Twin Otter).   I was saying that I was confident in the aircraft and its systems along with my skills to handle it.  BTW, I would never linger in icing conditions (and neither do 747's). 

I simulate icing very easily with my students.  I say, while they're in simulated IMC, "OK, I see [rime/clear/mixed] ice forming on the leading edge of the wing - what are you going to do about it?"  I want to see if the training kicks in, depending on what I "saw".  No need to risk my student, myself, or the aircraft by actually getting ice.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2015, 02:03:38 PM by Sus_pilot »

Offline Abaddon

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Re: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1026 on: September 04, 2015, 02:01:57 PM »

I have been. Twice.
Does this self admitted fact not give you pause for thought?

I have neither ever been committed, nor have I ever even been assessed.

This is a direct consequence of the fact that I am not bat plop bonkers.

My worst offence is a parking ticket.

Does this not make you pause and think? Obviously not.

Offline mako88sb

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Re: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1027 on: September 04, 2015, 02:11:59 PM »

Returned from where? And how do you know from where they were returned?
Well flight and telemetry data indicate the vehicle travelled to the Moon and landed, three times if you read the article, took images of the surrounding area and sample the soil strength leading to manned landings on the Moon.  Then Apollo 12 followed some three years later.
As witnesses, I have no particular names but several including myself watched the Saturn V lift the craft into LEO.  The mission included a more precise landing than A11, which was accomplished near the Surveyor crater.  Images came be found at  Pete and Alan used their sublimators on two EVA's, one to the Surveyor 3 site, at which photos were taken.  Upon lift off  Intrepid rendezvous with Yankee Clipper rock samples and Surveyor parts are transferred to the CSM.   The CSM returns to the earth where the samples end up at JSC. You may view all the flight paths of the mission, the images and the transcripts all at the linked site.

Nice presentation but possibly fake. Evidence but no proof.

Since you are supposedly an engineer, I believe you should be held to a higher standard then the typical hoax believer that usually has little understanding of engineering or science. You wanting to wave this report off as possibly fake is not good enough. Read through it and bring forth points that you can prove are inconsistent or outright faulty. Otherwise retract your claim as anybody with a proper moral standard would willingly do.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2015, 02:13:34 PM by mako88sb »

Offline Abaddon

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Re: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1028 on: September 04, 2015, 02:27:06 PM »

Returned from where? And how do you know from where they were returned?
Well flight and telemetry data indicate the vehicle travelled to the Moon and landed, three times if you read the article, took images of the surrounding area and sample the soil strength leading to manned landings on the Moon.  Then Apollo 12 followed some three years later.
As witnesses, I have no particular names but several including myself watched the Saturn V lift the craft into LEO.  The mission included a more precise landing than A11, which was accomplished near the Surveyor crater.  Images came be found at  Pete and Alan used their sublimators on two EVA's, one to the Surveyor 3 site, at which photos were taken.  Upon lift off  Intrepid rendezvous with Yankee Clipper rock samples and Surveyor parts are transferred to the CSM.   The CSM returns to the earth where the samples end up at JSC. You may view all the flight paths of the mission, the images and the transcripts all at the linked site.

Nice presentation but possibly fake. Evidence but no proof.

Since you are supposedly an engineer, I believe you should be held to a higher standard then the typical hoax believer that usually has little understanding of engineering or science. You wanting to wave this report off as possibly fake is not good enough. Read through it and bring forth points that you can prove are inconsistent or outright faulty. Otherwise retract your claim as anybody with a proper moral standard would willingly do.
One would think that was reasonable. Sadly that ship has sailed long since. Neil has been presented with copious rebuttals for at least a decade, yet he stubbornly clings to his nonsense like a child's security blanket.

I have not much more for him before it descends into outright mockery. He has had his chance to present his case, and more chances, and more chances after that. He has failed at every step. Cranks will insist upon being cranks.

Offline Luke Pemberton

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Re: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1029 on: September 04, 2015, 02:36:49 PM »
I'm guessing people are aware, but he is under moderation now. A few of us have shown some mean spirits, me included, but I believe that comes with the heat of debate. May I suggest that we wait to see whether future posts make their way through moderation before adding to the thread, as continuing to post is a bit like beating on the small kid once he has been kicked to the floor.  I think this approach also paints us in a better light.

It also gives Neil a little chance to work out the reason for his moderation and for LO to explain why, as LO was using Tapatalk when he was moderated. Further, there is the small possibility that Neil might read through the thread while waiting for moderated posts to be published, and this gives him chance to present new material.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former - Albert Einstein.

I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people – Sir Isaac Newton.

A polar orbit would also bypass the SAA - Tim Finch

Offline bknight

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Re: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1030 on: September 04, 2015, 02:39:19 PM »

Since you are supposedly an engineer, I believe you should be held to a higher standard then the typical hoax believer that usually has little understanding of engineering or science. You wanting to wave this report off as possibly fake is not good enough. Read through it and bring forth points that you can prove are inconsistent or outright faulty. Otherwise retract your claim as anybody with a proper moral standard would willingly do.

After reading the report I find on page 20:
Micrometeorite Impact Analyses
A major effort in the analysis of Surveyor 3
parts has been the search for hypervelocity impact
features-an effort roughly analogous to
the search for the needle in the haystack. A great
number of low-velocity features exist that were
caused by lunar particles striking the surfaces
due to Surveyor and Apollo landing events,
handling of the material, and natural phenomena.
The 1- to 4.5-pm size of the surface
features prohibited the effective use of optical
instruments. However, all participating investigators
concluded that no material or surface
features were found that definitely could be
stated to be meteoritic in origin. Consequently,
determinations of the flux rate of hypervelocity
particles at the Surveyor 3 site were based on the
absence of diagnostic features; as such, the flux
rates represent upper limits only. In each instance,
the determinations were in general agreement
with those obtained from Pioneers 8 and 9,
Cosmos 163, Pegasus satellites, and others.
Perhaps Jay may discuss the flux rate of hypervelocity micrometeorite the Lunar surface that was expected prior to the mission.  I also find it interesting that evidence of impacts from the descent stage about 145m from the landing site.  Maybe the lower elevation "allowed" the regolith to travel that far.
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Offline bknight

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Re: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1031 on: September 04, 2015, 02:40:02 PM »
I'm guessing people are aware, but he is under moderation now. A few of us have shown some mean spirits, me included, but I believe that comes with the heat of debate. May I suggest that we wait to see whether future posts make their way through moderation before adding to the thread, as continuing to post is a bit like beating on the small kid once he has been kicked to the floor.  I think this approach also paints us in a better light.

It also gives Neil a little chance to work out the reason for his moderation and for LO to explain why, as LO was using Tapatalk when he was moderated. Further, there is the small possibility that Neil might read through the thread while waiting for moderated posts to be published, and this gives him chance to present new material.
Good thought.
Truth needs no defense.  Nobody can take those footsteps I made on the surface of the moon away from me.
Eugene Cernan

Offline sts60

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Re: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1032 on: September 04, 2015, 02:54:25 PM »
The Scientific Method is the solution to the Apollo controversy today on Earth.
There is no controversy among people who actually understand the subject.  You manifestly don't, yet you prattle on about it despite injunctions against doing so by the very same code of ethics you quoted from for your own argument. 

Nor do you understand the scientific method.  Peer review and duplication of Apollo technologies and findings have been going on for half a century.  You are simply too clueless to understand it; worse, you actively avoid the explanations and evidences - which are just the tip of a very large iceberg indeed - which other people have served up to you, while you wave your arms about "accountability".   Hilarious.

Unfortunately and very strangely, I'm the only one advocating it while the rest of you desperately grovel in subjective metaphysics.

My assessment of the steaming pile of handwaving ineptitude you advance as "scientific" and "honest" is based on nothing more than engineering knowledge you lack and basic logical analysis.  I'd say you failed the peer review, but you are not my peer.  You have no idea idea what you are talking about, but in the words of Hank Hill, just when I think you've said the stupidest thing ever, you keep on talking.

Your utter, self-absorbed cluelessness is neatly summed up by the "scientific" experiment you insist would prove things one way or other, but in isolation would neither absolutely confirm or deny the entire Apollo record no matter which way it came out.  Jason, Jay, and probably others have already indicated this, but it bears repeating.  Can you figure out why?  Others can.  But then again, they know what they are talking about.  You don't, and you are clearly determined to remain that way.

Offline Abaddon

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Re: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1033 on: September 04, 2015, 03:02:24 PM »
I'm guessing people are aware, but he is under moderation now. A few of us have shown some mean spirits, me included, but I believe that comes with the heat of debate. May I suggest that we wait to see whether future posts make their way through moderation before adding to the thread, as continuing to post is a bit like beating on the small kid once he has been kicked to the floor.  I think this approach also paints us in a better light.

It also gives Neil a little chance to work out the reason for his moderation and for LO to explain why, as LO was using Tapatalk when he was moderated. Further, there is the small possibility that Neil might read through the thread while waiting for moderated posts to be published, and this gives him chance to present new material.
I have little sympathy. Neil chose quite intentionally to paint himself into a corner of crankery. It was inevitable that he would end up on moderation, but it is a situation entirely of his own creation.

Offline gillianren

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Re: Why I suspect Apollo was a hoax.
« Reply #1034 on: September 04, 2015, 03:11:27 PM »
Two things.

One, correct me if I'm wrong (unless you're Neil, who might weigh in with his own interpretation but whose assessment I'm not really interested in at this point), but doesn't the scientific method work on the preponderance of evidence and basically reject the concept of "proof" entirely?  As in, a pivotal aspect of the scientific method is that you can always be wrong?  That it takes a single test to show that anyone might be wrong, because it's always possible?  So isn't asking for proof in and of itself a rejection of the scientific method?

Two, I had a long talk with my therapist the other day about why I haven't ever been committed and how it's detrimental to my actually getting help for my illness.  If I had been, however, that wouldn't make any statements of fact I made more or less true.  It is reasonable to find fault with someone's processes of reasoning, and I certainly wouldn't want to deny that it appears there are mental health issues involved here.  I would just like everyone to remember that those of us who are mentally ill suffer under considerable stigma already, and it's in no small part because people think our thinking is this particular kind of delusional.  However, it's only symptomatic of a very few specific illnesses and not all of us.  It is also not a bad thing in and of itself to need medication, and indeed at least one of the most dangerous conditions I can think of cannot be medicated, because no medication treats it.  The goal of medication is to prevent things like delusions, so saying someone is medicated is, perhaps ironically, a way of crediting the reasonability of their thinking.
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