Has stupidity won?
People used to say to me "Who cares if they believe the Moon landings were faked? They aren't hurting anyone." But this is where it has led us to... a world where facts don't matter, where history books and photographic proof are not trusted, where experts are ignored, where the Earth is flat, and Donald Trump is President again... but this time without guardrails.
I'm losing hope for the future. We don't have time for a US President who doesn't believe in climate change. I have tremendous concern for the people of Ukraine, and the rest of Europe. I'm scared for the immigrants in the US who will be rounded up and deported (or worse).
We did not learn from history. We are stupid. We are doomed.
I'm sorry for being a downer. I just don't see a silver lining today.
Does anyone want to take over this website? I think I'm getting out of the "defending the United States" business (...no, it's not really a business). Serious offers only... I'm not going to give it to a hoax believer, and I'm not going to shut it down if no one steps up, I'm just not in the mindset to argue over the Moon landings anymore. There are bigger concerns.