Cover your eyes is a common tactic. Not you refute anything I've exposed. No error of perspective, if the cone is to the left, the cylinder must be visible on the right.
Oh dear...another hoaxie that cannot understand perspective distortion! While I appreciate that English is not your native language, I would also advise you to reset your attitude. You clearly have a very limited grasp on the subject matter and your approach comes across as arrogant. Given your inability to understand simple concepts, then you should realise that your arrogance (if it is that) is probably part of the reason why you are struggling to understand such simple ideas. To first learn you must realise that you do not know all the answers!
Coincidentally, I was watching this video earlier. Whilst not directly relating to the matter in hand, it has some good explanations of the problems that happens when you project a 3D world onto a 2D plane (such as a film camera).
This Wiki article will also help you to understand the effects of perspective distortion., you appear to have ignored my earlier post. For convenience, here it is again. Care to comment?
You are wrong: the only chance that the cylinder service module is invisible, it is that the cone of the capsule points directly toward the viewer ... this is clearly not the case.
And what about commenting on the other areas that you were so sure of in your original post?
- The number 13?
- The filming of Haise?
- The use of the LM motor?
- The heatshield?
Why ignore the answers that you were given on these to comment only on your erroneous interpretation of the photos of the CSM/LM stack? I wouldn't like to assume that you have now conceded the other points......I'd much rather hear you say that.
Exhibit a, a CSM, cunningly disguised as a bottle of malt vinegar in my kitchen:
Exhibit b, the CSM with the docking drogue (or bottle top) to one side:
Any comments Tarkus?
Excellent example OBM. I hope that you put that vinegar to good use on a pile of fish'n'chips soon?